

803 Roper Creek Drive, Greenville, SC 29615


Resources & Training

Watch our free Webinar or host a Lunch-and-Learn at your office (lunch and instruction provided) and earn 1 hour of CE (PDH) credit.
Skimmer Sediment Basin Design
On Demand

Rymar’s newest offering is our on-demand webinar. You can now earn PDH credit through Rymar directly from the comfort of your own home or office in place of scheduling a lunch and learn.

To receive your PDH credit, watch the video and email us at Someone from our team will be in touch with you to ensure you receive credit.

More webinars and product videos are available on our YouTube Channel.

Training Series
Part 1 - Skimmer Sediment Basin Basics
Part 2 - The Marlee Float Design Tool
Part 3 - Advanced Skimmer Sediment Basin Design Using SedCAD
Part 4 - Skimmer for Permanent Use - A Case Study
Part 5 - Advanced Skimmer Modeling in Hydraflow
Marlee Float
Part 6 - Coming Soon!
Part 7 - Volume Based vs Filtration Based Water Quality
Part 8 - Water Quality Modeling Volume vs Filtration
Get more information about our FREE Lunch and Learn with the RYMAR team.Fill out the form below.
Lunch and Learn
We're here to provide first-class training on the use of Marlee Float and other RYMAR products.

Our lunch and learns are highly technical training sessions. We will cover everything from the basics of skimmer basin design and the wide range of differing state requirements to how to do complex modeling of skimmers in some of the most common hydrology software, including SedCAD, Hydraflow Hydrographs and HydroCAD. Our founder, Jamie McCutchen, is a Professional Engineer with over 25 years of experience in stormwater management and promises to make this a worthwhile investment of your staff’s time.


Based on his expertise, Jamie has been selected to be a presenter at numerous stormwater and erosion control conferences, including annual Stormcon and IECA national events. His topics range from Skimmer Design Basics to presenting Case Studies of how skimmers can reduce maintenance and enhance water quality for post-construction stormwater basins. And the best part is you will find out why this skimmer is called “The Marlee”.

Virtual lunch and learns are also available.

Lunch and Learn
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